Second week of YTT {Finally}

You are probably wondering where the rest of my Thailand trip went...

Yoga training got real my second week there. It was intense and although I did write about my second week, I couldn't find the courage to post it..

I am afraid to be vulnerable. To be seen from the eyes of others, to be judged and criticized. It is a terrifying thing to feel this way and I'm ready to face my fears and be courageous. 

So this is me. Taking a courageous step into a world unknown. To be brave and put my opinion out there. Because as Elizabeth Gilbert said in her book "Big Magic".. "No one is paying attention anyways." 

So here is my blog from my second week of training. And like I stated in the blog.. I'm not looking for comments or to make you believe this information I've gathered. 

This is for me and the hope I have to make a difference. 

This week has been beyond difficult physically, mentally and emotionally. 
We have learned so much.. so much more than I ever thought I would have learned in this short time of 2 weeks.

We watched 3 documentaries this week. 

One on how animal farming is affecting our environment
One on how it is affecting our animals 
One on how it is affecting our bodies 

I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to see these documentaries here because I would have never had the courage to watch them anywhere else. 

These documentaries are insightful and horrifying.

We are killing our bodies, our animals and our planet by this huge lie that we've been raised to believe that meat and dairy is necessary for our diets and health.

I'm not looking for judgement or comments or to convince anyone to become a vegan. 

I'm just wanting to share my thoughts on this 2nd week of yoga training and hopefully I can raise some awareness to the darkness that is the dairy industry. 

It's an interesting thing that we have been watching these horrible and enlightening doctumentaries, you'd think, "This doesn't apply to yoga in anyway.." 

But it does, right down to Yoga's core. 

See Yoga isn't what we've been made to see, it isn't a physical workout routine that we do once or twice every week to feel and look good for our own benefit.

Yoga is a philosophy of life, a way of looking at life through the eyes of a caring, loving and patient person. 

It's about finding who we all truly are, who we were meant to be, why we are here and how to make the world a better place for ourselves and everyone around us.. including all animals.  

Yoga is about being aware and present and having a universal consciousness for caring for others and knowing their pain and our pain so that we don't have to suffer from our choices, good and bad. 

We need to come to an awareness that we have the power to spread compassion to these animals and stop this abuse. 

We need to stand up and use our knowledge that we are so blindingly lucky to have at this day and age. 

The first Documentary was published just last year and it is so inspiring. The man who put together this documentary called "Cowspircay" lost all his funding for this film and was threatened countless amounts of times for trying to come out with the information he found. 

But in-spite of being scared beyond his wits, he made it public to stand up for what he truly believes in and to get all this knowledge out to the world so that we could WAKE UP

So we could see the truth and help make a difference and want better for us and the future of society. 

I'll spare you all the details and just put some main points for you to understand. But I highly recommend that you watch the documentary, it will change your perspective. 

- Our oceans are on a near collapse, we are led to believe that fish can keep reproducing enough for us to be catching them at the rate we are now, but in truth by the year 2048, we will be fish-less

- Livestock and their byproducts account for at least 32,000 MILLION TONS of C02 per YEAR, 51 percent of ALL worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, transportation is responsible for just 13 percent

- 1 gallon of milk takes 1,000 gallons of water to produce 

- Most of the antibiotics we get are used on livestock 

- 50 percent of the grains and legumes of what we grow goes to livestock

- Cattle ranching accounts for roughly 70 percent of deforestation in the Amazon. The Amazon rain forest could be gone in the next 10 years

- In the last 20 years 1,100 activists have been killed who spoke out about cattle ranching in Brazil (where the Amazon rainforest is, fyi)

So if you think that you are helping the planet by turning off your lights to save energy and your faucets to save water and riding your bike to work; don't get me wrong these things are important as well and do add up. 

But the MOST POWERFUL thing you can do to help the planet is to stop consuming so much meat and dairy products. 

Start being more aware of how much dairy and meat you actually consume every week. 

Our meal portions here in America have gotten out of hand and there is absolutely no reason you should have meat with every meal, let alone every day.


The second documentary was of a lecture from a man called Gary Yourofsky. It was filmed in front of a college class so that he could be an inspiration for the young minds of our world.

His lecture was so pure and full of the compassion that he has for this universe and the animals we share our lands with. 

He wants us to know how badly meat affects our health, how it causes the diseases we are facing with in this day and age. How cows milk has no nutritional value for us, it is for a calf's health and growth. 

And I truly believe this. 

In our yoga class we talk about this and how the milk is made from the mother with love and intention for her baby. But when that baby is torn from her and she is forced into a pen and is attached with all kinds of gadgets and then has absolutely no loving interaction between that baby she just birthed.. how do you think that is going to affect the milk she produces? 

There is no love in that milk anymore.. 

And I don't want to even get started with all the hormones they inject them with and what they are forced to eat.

The third documentary and probably the most important one we watched was a lecture by Dr. Michael Greger. 

In his lecture he talks about how a whole food plant based diet can treat all top leading health problems from reversing cancer cells to diabetes. 

I highly suggest looking over his research on
So this is where I am right now. After 2 months of being back from Thailand, I try my best to eat as close to a whole food plant based diet as I can. 

It was hard at first, especially because we went traveling right after we left the ashram and we didn't always have the option to eat anywhere close to what we were being fed at the ashram. It was frustrating. 

But it taught me a lesson in patience and understanding.

I am not a vegan. I am not a vegetarian. 
I am Allison and I want to make a change. 

To live a compassionate and loving life. Towards everyone and everything. 

Living Yoga to the Fullest 
