
Showing posts from October 15, 2017

Second week of YTT {Finally}

You are probably wondering where the rest of my Thailand trip went... Yoga training got real my second week there. It was intense and although I did write about my second week, I couldn't find the courage to post it.. I am afraid to be vulnerable. To be seen from the eyes of others, to be judged and criticized. It is a terrifying thing to feel this way and  I'm ready to face my fears and be courageous.  So this is me. Taking a courageous step into a world unknown. To be brave and put my opinion out there. Because as Elizabeth Gilbert said in her book "Big Magic".. "No one is paying attention anyways."  So here is my blog from my second week of training. And like I stated in the blog.. I'm not looking for comments or to make you believe this information I've gathered.  This is for me and the hope I have to make a difference.  This week has been beyond difficult physically, mentally and emotionally.  We have learned so much.. so much more